Ginga** is based on an alternative reality where race is not determined by skin colour but by the colour of ones hair. The story focuses on school kids as they try to navigate their way through life and fit into society whilst dealing with the discrimination and the consequences of their actions.
The television drama subtly delves into the differences of each race as the story is told. With Ginger / Redheads being African, Blonde being European and black hair being Asian. The story is told through the eyes of teenagers with every episode focusing on a different main character and their point of view.
The story is told in a unique way - it understands that everyone in life is their own main character, and you see this when you watch the series. Every episode focuses on a different character, with this you get a different perspective of multiple plots when episodes overlap. Only by watching another episode will you be able to piece everything together.
In the episodes, we see the struggles of teenagers as they try to fit into a society that views them subconsciously in a negative way. The episode plots and the characters development touches upon the prejudice felt by them as discrimination and racial profiling are alive and well in their daily lives. Living parallel lives to our own, the series gives you an insight into the mind of those who have to overcome these hardships. Based in the UK each episode has a very British and urban setting, giving off nostalgic moments as well as referencing real life social events portraying the life of a UK teenager and how the world is seen through their eyes. Despite the serious undertones of this series, it has a lot of comedic moments as well as touching and emotional ones. For every sad moment, there are happy ones as the character interactions show us how nothing is black and white, and even hate and turn into love - such is life and the power of empathy.